Choosing Change Can Be Hard and Scary, but It's Worth It

Choosing Change Can Be Hard and Scary, but It's Worth It

Feeling stuck in life is a hard place to be

You get trapped in old habits that no longer serve you. Navigating life transitions can help you to get the best out of life.

Every time you choose the "devil you know versus the devil you don't know," you move further and further away from living the life the universe desire you to live.

The challenge is to get over the feeling of hopelessness and feelings of being helpless. Your inner critic is getting in the way of you moving ahead.

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7 Signs you are Having an Early Midlife Crisis and What to Do

7 Signs you are Having an Early Midlife Crisis and What to Do

Have you reached a time when you start to feel like something is missing from your life? Perhaps you are questioning your purpose. You wonder where the time has gone, and you look older than you feel. Are you having an early midlife crisis?

Maybe you have not accomplished enough in life and fear it is too late to begin something new.

Maybe you are tempted to buy a fancy car, wear flashy jewelry, or get plastic surgery to stay looking young.

If you are experiencing any of these, you might have a midlife crisis.

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Feeling Stuck? Five Tips for Managing Life Transitions

Feeling Stuck? Five Tips for Managing Life Transitions

The one thing that never stops is change. Ether, we adapt to the changing world or be doomed to a life of disappointment, anger and frustration.

Are you one of the many overwhelmed by all our responsibilities and the constant change in the world? You are not alone. Remember that life is in the transitions.

Are you feeling stuck in a job you don't enjoy because you are afraid of failing in something new? Are you in a relationship that sucks your life out because you fear being alone?

It is easy to get stuck in this lethargy. You are tired and do not feel like you have the energy or money to try something new. The good news is that there is a way out of this.

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Seven Reasons To Stop Believing You're Never Good Enough (So You Can Get Back To Your Life)

Seven Reasons To Stop Believing You're Never Good Enough (So You Can Get Back To Your Life)

You are among many who believe they are never good enough. You probably do not broadcast this to the world, but your inner critic is always trying to put you down.

Your inner critic wants to keep you safe, and the only way it knows to keep you comfortable is keeping you from trying anything new. It hopes that telling you that you are never good enough will stop you from any new adventures.

The good news is that you can quiet your inner critic with practice by showing that you can take care of yourself.

Here are 11 ways to stop believing you are never good enough:

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9 Insights Your Enneagram Coach Can Help Reveal To You For Greater Happiness & Joy

9 Insights Your Enneagram Coach Can Help Reveal To You For Greater Happiness & Joy

Your enneagram coach can help you strengthen your self-confidence, find greater joy, find your purpose, and feel your courage. All this new confidence and passion can inspire you to follow your dreams.

The enneagram, along with coaching, can help you to discover who the universe desires you to be. First, it helps you to notice when you are telling yourself a lie. It enables you to connect with your inner wisdom. Having access to your inner wisdom will help you to live the best life you can.

Here are 9 insights:

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When To Quit Your Job So You Don't Lose Your Sanity (And Your Self Respect)

When To Quit Your Job So You Don't Lose Your Sanity (And Your Self Respect)

You need a job! We all need jobs to survive. Sometimes we must work in jobs that are not our first choice. You may find satisfaction through volunteer work or hobbies.

If you are in a position where you face abuse, feel unappreciated, feel taken advantage of or are poorly paid, it may be time for you to leave.

Do not forget that you have great worth! You deserve to be treated well. Do not allow anyone or an organization to destroy your life.

Only you can know when to quit your job. Your body, your heart and your head will let you know when the time has come. Your only responsibility is to listen and act on what you know to be true.

The good news is that you have great wisdom within you. Your challenge is to learn to access your inner wisdom through connecting with your three centers of intelligence. Your three centers of intelligence are:

· Body (Sensations)

· Heart (Emotions)

· Head (Mind)

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The 3 Enneagram Instincts and How they Can Transform your Life

The 3 Enneagram Instincts and How they Can Transform your Life

You are born with three instincts. We could not survive without them. However, there is an instinct we over-rely on. The middle one is our strength, and the third one is our blind spot.

The three instincts are:

Self Preservation

· Social

· Sexual

Discovering your Enneagram instincts and learning how they transform your life can take you to a new level of consciousness.

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3 Ways your Ego deludes You

3 Ways your Ego deludes You

You could not have survived your childhood without your ego. Your ego helped you to understand yourself as an individual. It enabled you to stay safe.

As you grow into adulthood, your ego, if left unchecked, will cause problems. Your ego likes to keep you doing the familiar. It loves the status-quo.

Your ego wants to keep you safe, but it is robbing you of new and exciting experiences. Anytime you try something different, it will do its best to stop you through the inner critic's negative voice.

A great way to stop your ego from controlling your life is to learn the psychological-spiritual tool called the Enneagram.

The first step is to discern your Enneagram type, and this can take some time. There are nine different possibilities. The lens through which you experience the world is different for each of the nine Enneagram types.

Once you discover your type, the Enneagram provides you with a map for personal development. It shows you the places where you get stuck in your ego and how to become free.

As you become self-aware, you will catch yourself getting stuck in the delusion of the ego.

Here are three ways the ego deludes you.

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Rediscovering the Sacred in a Fearful World

Rediscovering the Sacred in a Fearful World

It is almost impossible to avoid the noise of fear, rage and greed in the world. It is coming at you fast and furious through radio, tv and social media.

You probably do not have the luxury to go into the wilderness to go off-grid. Many of us can not afford to go off social media because we rely on it to promote our businesses.

When under stress, you can be blind to the sacred. The good news is that the sacred is everywhere, and you do not need to be part of any religion to experience awe.

What have you experienced as sacred? You may have experienced the holy in nature, music, art, creativity, play, religion, spirituality and more.

As you attune yourself to the sacred, you will experience it more and more in the ordinariness of life. You will have more moments of clarity recognizing something so ordinary is so extraordinary

So, what do you do?

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