When Divorce Becomes A Reality: How To Let Go Of A Dream & Move On With Your Life

 When Divorce Becomes A Reality: How To Let Go Of A Dream  & Move On With Your Life

How do I let go of a dream that was my relationship with my ex?

Going through a divorce is one of the most challenging things you will do in your life, even when done respectfully.

You are now divorced, and suddenly reality hits. You come home from work, and there is no one to share the highs and lows of the day. You have to do things that your partner used to do and learn again how to do it. You want to go out for dinner, but who do you ask. Most of your recent friends are people you hung out with as couples.

You will need to make time to grieve. You have many questions and concerns that working through will help you begin letting go.

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13 Ways Your Inner Wisdom Shows Up On A Daily Basis

13 Ways Your Inner Wisdom Shows Up On A Daily Basis

You are born with wisdom. You are wiser than you think!

You have access to your inner wisdom through your three centers of intelligence. When you are physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy, you have access to wisdom that comes from the sensations of your body, the emotions of your heart and an openness to something greater through your quiet mind.

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Enneagram Type Nine: Finding the courage to be Yourself

Enneagram Type Nine: Finding the courage to be Yourself

The Enneagram and You

You are amazing, unique, and there is no one exactly like you!

In the first few months of life, you are given one of nine ways to survive in the world. Your personality type is critical for your survival. Your ego helps you see yourself as separate and distinct from the people around you, even your parents.

Your ego gives you a framework to make sense of the world and keep you safe. The trouble begins when you come of age and don't realize how much your fear of trying something new limits your freedom.

Each personality type is no better or worse than others. They are merely different. Your type shows you where you are already stuck. Working with this fantastic tool helps you break free of your personality's limitations, allowing you to become stronger in all nine types.

In this series of articles, I will take you on a journey through the nine Enneagram types. Remember, you have all nine types within you.

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3 Ways your Ego deludes You

3 Ways your Ego deludes You

You could not have survived your childhood without your ego. Your ego helped you to understand yourself as an individual. It enabled you to stay safe.

As you grow into adulthood, your ego, if left unchecked, will cause problems. Your ego likes to keep you doing the familiar. It loves the status-quo.

Your ego wants to keep you safe, but it is robbing you of new and exciting experiences. Anytime you try something different, it will do its best to stop you through the inner critic's negative voice.

A great way to stop your ego from controlling your life is to learn the psychological-spiritual tool called the Enneagram.

The first step is to discern your Enneagram type, and this can take some time. There are nine different possibilities. The lens through which you experience the world is different for each of the nine Enneagram types.

Once you discover your type, the Enneagram provides you with a map for personal development. It shows you the places where you get stuck in your ego and how to become free.

As you become self-aware, you will catch yourself getting stuck in the delusion of the ego.

Here are three ways the ego deludes you.

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Which Enneagram Type is Most Common and Why

Which Enneagram Type is Most Common and Why

Which Enneagram type is most common is not clear. Most of the information available to us today is based on the anecdotal experience of Enneagram practitioners. I am not aware of any scientific studies. It would be hard to do a scientific study because there are too many variables that make up the complexity of personality.

Many Enneagram practitioners have noticed, based on anecdotal experience, the six, seven and nines are most common, at least in North America.

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Three Ways to Overcome Conflict and Save Your Marriage

Three Ways to Overcome Conflict and Save Your Marriage

You are going to face conflict. Conflict happens whenever there are two or more people in a room. Conflict occurs when people have different opinions. Conflict is neither good nor bad.

If you are honest, you will acknowledge that you and your partner don't agree on everything. You see the world differently because of the influence of personality.

A healthy marriage requires both of you to know your selves. A great tool to help you do this is the Enneagram. In the Enneagram, there are nine different types, with each type having its strengths and weaknesses.

Learning your Enneagram type gives you a psychological-spiritual map to help you become conscious of the automatic behaviours you do unconsciously. Often these are behaviours that no longer serve you.

Once you become conscious of how you show up in the world, you can make different choices that will serve you better. As you learn to walk your talk, you will be better able to resolve conflict with your partner. You will also be more open to hearing what your partner has to say.

If you both do your work, it will be much easier to find win-win solutions to resolve your disagreements.

With the Enneagram as your starting point, here are three ways to overcome conflict and save your marriage.

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Rediscovering the Sacred in a Fearful World

Rediscovering the Sacred in a Fearful World

It is almost impossible to avoid the noise of fear, rage and greed in the world. It is coming at you fast and furious through radio, tv and social media.

You probably do not have the luxury to go into the wilderness to go off-grid. Many of us can not afford to go off social media because we rely on it to promote our businesses.

When under stress, you can be blind to the sacred. The good news is that the sacred is everywhere, and you do not need to be part of any religion to experience awe.

What have you experienced as sacred? You may have experienced the holy in nature, music, art, creativity, play, religion, spirituality and more.

As you attune yourself to the sacred, you will experience it more and more in the ordinariness of life. You will have more moments of clarity recognizing something so ordinary is so extraordinary

So, what do you do?

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Discovering the Power of Love through the Enneagram

Discovering the Power of Love through the Enneagram

Love is an overused word. Love is about bringing out the best in each other. Love is a choice.

When we choose to love another person, we respect them whether or not we are happy with them. What does love mean for you?

Discovering your Enneagram type can help you to love yourself, your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife.

What is the Enneagram? It is a psychological-spiritual map to help you be your best.

We arrive in this world with one of the nine types to survive in the world. Your type is the same as your ego.

Your type only becomes a problem when you stay stuck in the limitations of your Enneagram type.

Your goal is to get as healthy as you can in all nine types. It is all about learning to notice how you show up in the world every day. It is learning to see what you do automatically without thinking. It is learning to connect with your inner wisdom, which will give you the freedom and courage to be you.

Click Here to Learn more about the Enneagram

The more you learn about your type will help you to notice how you are behaving. It will give you signs for when you go into unconscious behaviour. Even more importantly, it will show you away back into presence.

Once you learn your partner’s type, you will get insights to help you to support them and, most, discover the best ways to love them.

Here are nine ways to love yourself and the love of your life:

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Nine paths to healthy relationships based on your Enneagram Type

Nine paths to healthy relationships based on your Enneagram Type

In our world of online dating, it can be hard to find the perfect match. It doesn't take much to disappoint you.

When all the excitement and passion of falling in love have waned, you start to see your partner's peculiarities. They begin to remind you of your in-perfections. It is tempting to run.

With the help of the Enneagram, you can increase your chances of having a healthy relationship. Instead of focussing on finding your perfect partner, it is about you learning to be your best self.

No type is better or worse than another. I am going to share some of the strengths and challenges that come with each Enneagram type. I hope this will help you to notice what is going on inside you without judgement.

Once you can acknowledge your issues and challenges, the Enneagram can help you to find balance again.

In the end, it is all about self-discovery, honesty and taking 100 % responsibility for your self.

It is after taking full responsibility for yourself you are going to attract healthier people.

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