How Each Enneagram Type Can Build Healthy Habits

How Each Enneagram Type Can Build Healthy Habits

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a powerful tool for transformation. It can help you build healthy habits that will help you to be the best you can be.

Most people know the Enneagram as a personality typing system. Naming your personality type is a small part of what it is all about.

At its best, the Enneagram is a psychological-spiritual map to help you become self-aware, noticing the habits that no longer serve you and learning new ways of being that will bring you joy, purpose and the freedom to be your best self.

Your primary Type will never change—your levels of health shift which will impact how you show up in the world. As you get healthier in your Type, you will get stronger in all nine Enneagram types.

Want to Discover Your Enneagram Type? Click Here to Book your Free Enneagram Typing Session.

Learn to Observe Yourself in Action

With the help of the Enneagram and Coaching, you can learn how to observe yourself in action. Each Type will show you behaviours you need to watch out for and give clues on how you can make better choices that will help you create healthier habits.

This work is about creating new neural pathways that will get stronger every time you practice a new way of being that brings out the best in you. The stronger your neural pathways are, the easier it will be to build new habits that serve you.

Remember that you have all nine types within you so that you can learn from every Type.

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Which Enneagram Types Get Along the Best (And The Worst)

Which Enneagram Types Get Along the Best (And The Worst)

The Enneagram can help you and your partner to have the best relationship possible. The Enneagram is a psychological-spiritual tool (map) to help you be your best. It will help you to know which enneagram types get along best with your type.

The enneagram symbol illustrates the power of the nine different personality types, representing the different ways we experience the world.

Once you discover your type, you will have a map to get healthier in all nine types. To thrive calls on you to be more mindful. The more self-aware you are gives you greater access to your wisdom which we all have.

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Now That Your Divorce Is Over, What Are You Looking For In A Relationship?

Now That Your Divorce Is Over, What Are You Looking For In A Relationship?

Your divorce is over, and you are wondering if you are ready to begin a new relationship. It is never wise to jump into a new relationship quickly. If you are honest with yourself, you will know when you are ready.

This in-between time is an excellent opportunity to reflect on this question: what are you looking for in a relationship? Take the time to learn from past relationships to clarify what you need and what would be nice.

Here are eight questions to ask yourself to help you name what you need in a relationship:

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7 Ways To Navigate The Seasons Of Your Life With Grace & Joy

7 Ways To Navigate The Seasons Of Your Life With Grace & Joy

Remember when you were young, and summers seemed endless. It always felt like there was time to do anything you wanted. Nothing ever felt rushed.

As you got older, it felt like time moved more and more quickly. You suddenly hit the age when you start to think about what you will do after high school. The seasons of your life are beginning to move faster.

When you start to attend college or university, it feels like life is moving into the fast lane. With assignments, classes, clubs, sport and friends, you have little time for yourself.

As you begin new chapters of your life, there are always times of transition. You experience these transitions when you:

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Seven Reasons To Stop Believing You're Never Good Enough (So You Can Get Back To Your Life)

Seven Reasons To Stop Believing You're Never Good Enough (So You Can Get Back To Your Life)

You are among many who believe they are never good enough. You probably do not broadcast this to the world, but your inner critic is always trying to put you down.

Your inner critic wants to keep you safe, and the only way it knows to keep you comfortable is keeping you from trying anything new. It hopes that telling you that you are never good enough will stop you from any new adventures.

The good news is that you can quiet your inner critic with practice by showing that you can take care of yourself.

Here are 11 ways to stop believing you are never good enough:

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What Is an Enneagram Wing & Why Should I Care About Mine?

What Is an Enneagram Wing & Why Should I Care About Mine?

The enneagram is a psychological-spiritual tool that can help you be your best self by helping you to connect with your inner wisdom.

There are nine different personality types, and you have all nine points within you. Your type represents the box you get stuck in when you are experiencing stress.

The enneagram can get you out of your box by getting you in touch with your three centers of intelligence. It helps to peel off all the lies you tell yourself.

Your enneagram type can help you to observe yourself in action. It will show you what to look out for, allowing you to know whether you are moving towards stress or integration. The more you work on this, the more presence you will experience.

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When Divorce Becomes A Reality: How To Let Go Of A Dream & Move On With Your Life

 When Divorce Becomes A Reality: How To Let Go Of A Dream  & Move On With Your Life

How do I let go of a dream that was my relationship with my ex?

Going through a divorce is one of the most challenging things you will do in your life, even when done respectfully.

You are now divorced, and suddenly reality hits. You come home from work, and there is no one to share the highs and lows of the day. You have to do things that your partner used to do and learn again how to do it. You want to go out for dinner, but who do you ask. Most of your recent friends are people you hung out with as couples.

You will need to make time to grieve. You have many questions and concerns that working through will help you begin letting go.

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7 Messages From Heaven Proving You Are Good Enough Just The Way You Are

7 Messages From Heaven Proving You Are Good Enough Just The Way You Are

What is your image of heaven? All of us will have different images of the holy, whether you imagine it as an ethereal place or a state of being.

All religions point to something greater. You will interpret this in your way. People name this power as God, Creator, Allah, Higher Power and other ways.

There is incredible wisdom that resides in this divine energy. The good news is that it resides in you and you are good enough.

Here 7 messages from heaven proving you are good enough just the way you are:

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