Nine Ways to Recover from Burnout (Through the Lens of the Enneagram)

 Nine Ways to Recover from Burnout (Through the Lens of the Enneagram)

Are you feeling down, lacking energy, unmotivated, depressed and have feelings of hopelessness?  Maybe you are burnt out. 

Burnout gradually catches up with you when you fail to notice what is happening inside you. 

Maybe you are in a relationship where you feel like you are walking on eggshells.  Maybe you are in a job that under-uses your skills. Maybe you feel stuck in life and don’t know what to do.

Learning to face your reality while hard can be the critical step to move you towards healing. Learning the Enneagram can help you find your way to healing.

The Enneagram is a powerful spiritual tool to help you notice what is happening in your internal world. Through discerning your Enneagram type, you will discover what happens to you when you get stuck in the limitation of your ego.

Here are nine ways to begin your healing journey through the lens of the Enneagram.  We will begin with the wisdom of the body center. 

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Ten Steps to Beating Burnout: A Guide to a Better Life

Ten Steps to Beating Burnout: A Guide to a Better Life

We live in a chaotic world. It is hard to separate our work and business life because of smartphones, computers and social media. Beating burnout is a lifelong process.

People expect to hear back immediately when they text or email you. Organizations pressure their employees to produce and expect them to work overtime at home.

Churches put more pressure on their leaders to keep their doors open. As congregations decline, more expectations are put on their ministers.

How pressured do you feel to work on your days off and your holidays?  Do you fear losing your job if you don’t put in the extra hours?

More people realize that it is not a badge of honour to overwork.

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Five Ways to Cultivate a Healthy Masculinity and Femininity

Five Ways to Cultivate a Healthy Masculinity and Femininity

We live in a complex world, yet we want to divide people into two genders. We expect men to be masculine and women to be feminine. 

With modern psychology, we have learned that we have both within us. It is a like a continuum with masculinity and femininity at either end of the spectrum. Most of us land in the middle of the continuum. We all need a healthy masculinity and femininity.

Until recently, children have been raised to behave in specific ways depending on their gender identity. Girls were brought up to be caring, maternal, gentle and obedient to parents, particularly men.

Boys were considered tough, assertive, violent, and controlling. Boys grew up with the belief that they were superior to girls. You still hear the excuse for male violence with the saying, “Boys will be boys.” We still see signs of this in our society with a high rate of violence against girls and women.

Women and men are both hurt by this sexist divide. We are forced into being people we are not. When women are not permitted to be strong, assertive and outspoken, they often take out their anger on other women. 

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Which Enneagram Types Get Along the Best (And The Worst)

Which Enneagram Types Get Along the Best (And The Worst)

The Enneagram can help you and your partner to have the best relationship possible. The Enneagram is a psychological-spiritual tool (map) to help you be your best. It will help you to know which enneagram types get along best with your type.

The enneagram symbol illustrates the power of the nine different personality types, representing the different ways we experience the world.

Once you discover your type, you will have a map to get healthier in all nine types. To thrive calls on you to be more mindful. The more self-aware you are gives you greater access to your wisdom which we all have.

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9 Insights Your Enneagram Coach Can Help Reveal To You For Greater Happiness & Joy

9 Insights Your Enneagram Coach Can Help Reveal To You For Greater Happiness & Joy

Your enneagram coach can help you strengthen your self-confidence, find greater joy, find your purpose, and feel your courage. All this new confidence and passion can inspire you to follow your dreams.

The enneagram, along with coaching, can help you to discover who the universe desires you to be. First, it helps you to notice when you are telling yourself a lie. It enables you to connect with your inner wisdom. Having access to your inner wisdom will help you to live the best life you can.

Here are 9 insights:

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How To Make Your Life After Divorce Truly The Best Years Of Your Life

How To Make Your Life After Divorce Truly The Best Years Of Your Life

Moving through separation and divorce is one of the most challenging things you will do in life. But once you are through it, it is time to re-imagine your life for the next chapter.

First, you need to acknowledge your part in the relationship. How did you enhance the relationship, and how did you hinder it.

If you do not learn your lessons, you will repeat them until you take full responsibility for your behaviour.

If you feel stuck after the end of a relationship, do not be afraid to get help. Seeking help is a sign of strength and not weakness. It is now time to let go of your past relationship, accept it for what it was and focus on what you need to learn.

There are many places to get help. Divorce coaches and counsellors can help you through the immediate pain of separation, and coaches such as myself will help you re-create your life.

What dreams do you have that have gone unfulfilled unto now? Post-divorce is a time to focus on what gives you life, stop procrastinating from following your dreams and then make it happen.

Here are 9 ways to rebuild your life:

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Enneagram Type Nine: Finding the courage to be Yourself

Enneagram Type Nine: Finding the courage to be Yourself

The Enneagram and You

You are amazing, unique, and there is no one exactly like you!

In the first few months of life, you are given one of nine ways to survive in the world. Your personality type is critical for your survival. Your ego helps you see yourself as separate and distinct from the people around you, even your parents.

Your ego gives you a framework to make sense of the world and keep you safe. The trouble begins when you come of age and don't realize how much your fear of trying something new limits your freedom.

Each personality type is no better or worse than others. They are merely different. Your type shows you where you are already stuck. Working with this fantastic tool helps you break free of your personality's limitations, allowing you to become stronger in all nine types.

In this series of articles, I will take you on a journey through the nine Enneagram types. Remember, you have all nine types within you.

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