Three Ways to Overcome Conflict and Save Your Marriage

Three Ways to Overcome Conflict and Save Your Marriage

You are going to face conflict. Conflict happens whenever there are two or more people in a room. Conflict occurs when people have different opinions. Conflict is neither good nor bad.

If you are honest, you will acknowledge that you and your partner don't agree on everything. You see the world differently because of the influence of personality.

A healthy marriage requires both of you to know your selves. A great tool to help you do this is the Enneagram. In the Enneagram, there are nine different types, with each type having its strengths and weaknesses.

Learning your Enneagram type gives you a psychological-spiritual map to help you become conscious of the automatic behaviours you do unconsciously. Often these are behaviours that no longer serve you.

Once you become conscious of how you show up in the world, you can make different choices that will serve you better. As you learn to walk your talk, you will be better able to resolve conflict with your partner. You will also be more open to hearing what your partner has to say.

If you both do your work, it will be much easier to find win-win solutions to resolve your disagreements.

With the Enneagram as your starting point, here are three ways to overcome conflict and save your marriage.

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Guest Blog: You Love Your BFF   Make Sure You Don't Let Them Forget It

Guest Blog: You Love Your BFF    Make Sure You Don't Let Them Forget It

Your best friend is there for you through thick and thin. Whether you regularly talk about how much you appreciate each other, or you have a more strong-and-silent sort of friendship, you know that your life is better because your best friend is in it. It's easy to take the people we love for granted, and letting then know how glad you are to have them in your life is a great way to celebrate the special bond that you have. Let's take a look at some fun ways to celebrate the joy of having a best friend in your life, and letting your partner in crime know how much they mean to you.

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  5 Ways to help express your desires (and Get) What You Want in Your Relationship ...

  5 Ways to help express your desires (and Get) What You Want in Your Relationship ...

Do you expect your partner to read your mind?  Even if they could read your mind, would you want them to read your thoughts?

Thank goodness, your partner can not read your mind.  It is up to you to let them know what you want.

You first will need to discern what you need in your relationship; then find the best way to communicate your desires.

An excellent way to learn what you desire in your relationship is to do some journaling and meditation.  If your partner is open, you could experiment with ideas you both have to see if these are activities you desire to do as a couple in the future.

Most of what a good relationship comes from both your willingness to bring out the best in each other. 

Here are five ways to help express your desires (and get) what you want in your relationship:

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Being a Better Human Being: Bringing out the best in each other at Christmas

Being a Better Human Being: Bringing out the best in each other at Christmas

Christmas can be stressful. The more stressed you become, the more miserable you get.  The more miserable you are, the less patient you are.

Ironically, Christmas is supposed to bring out the best in you, and yet sometimes it does the opposite.

Christmas celebrates the goodness of humankind.  It is a time to be generous, share your love, let go of resentments and give hope to the hopeless.

Do you put so many expectations on yourself? If you do, you are so busy; you have no time to quiet down and open yourself to the spirit?

To find joy again at Christmas, you first need to acknowledge how you feel about this time of year. If it brings you joy, you are on track. If it raises your blood pressure, it is time to make changes.

What are the essential qualities of Christmas for you? Here are some of the qualities that are important to me.  Check these out and see if they fit for you?

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Perfectionist and Christmas (How to Survive)

Perfectionist and Christmas (How to Survive)

Christmas is supposed to be a joyful, happy season. Yet for many of us, it can be challenging.

Do you find it like a command performance when you must pretend to be full of joy? When you feel forced to lie to people about how you think, it makes you even worse.

You are not always going to be happy when Christmas rolls around every year.

If you are a perfectionist, you can feel extreme pressure at this time of year to have everything “perfect” for your family and friends. You think you need to host the perfect party, give the ideal gift, prepare the perfect Christmas dinner and keep your house in immaculate condition.

Here are five ways for the perfectionist to survive Christmas:

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11 Signs that you are in a good Relationship

11 Signs that you are in a good Relationship

Relationships are complex. If you want a good relationship, you and your partner need to be committed to making it work.

Being committed means, you need to take responsibility for keeping your own emotional, physical and spiritual health. You need to be one hundred percent responsible for your happiness.

You need a partner who is willing to be responsible for his issues.  He needs to be ready to keep himself healthy and stay committed to building a healthy and robust relationship with you.

There is nothing magical about getting married.  Getting married will enhance healthy relationships and make destructive relationships even worse.

There is no such thing as getting married and happily living ever after without intention and effort.

When you both walk your talk; you are likely going to have a harmonies relationship.  It takes time, patience, self-awareness and playfulness. You can make it happen. 

Here are nine signs that you are in a good relationship:

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The 3 Most Important Things A Good Relationship Consists Of

The 3 Most Important Things A Good Relationship Consists Of

Are you hungry for love?  Many of us will look for a person to complete us. The reality is that no one but our self can do this.  Why? Because you are one hundred percent responsible for your own happiness.

You are two whole people going into your relationship.  You're there for each other to create a nurturing environment – nudging you both towards health and wholeness.

What do you desire in a relationship? You likely want intimacy, trust, safety, playfulness, encouragement, love and compassion.   But are you both ready to take one hundred percent responsibility to make it happen?

Relationships should not be hard, but you will go through rough times. Are you both prepared to learn through the ups and downs of your relationship?  If you both can say yes to this, you are ready to begin the adventure.

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The Thirteen Most Important Things A Good Relationship Consists Of

The Thirteen Most Important Things A Good Relationship Consists Of

Falling in love is easy. Unfortunately falling in love has a way of blinding us to reality. When you are desperate to be loved, you will be tempted to accept any person who comes along.

First, you need to watch out for signs for poor emotional, mental and physical health in your partner..  

A good relationship consists of many qualities. But for you to recognize these qualities you need to be open and healthy yourself.

A good relationship consists of:

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What Makes A Good Relationship According to Your Enneagram Type

What Makes A Good Relationship According to Your Enneagram Type

The Enneagram is a psychological-spiritual tool that can help you to become more balanced in your three energy centers, head (thoughts), heart (emotions) and body (sensations). It is a map for personal growth.

This map will help you to notice when you are getting healthier or staying stuck in the limitations of your ego. The Enneagram not only reveals your level of health, but it also gives you clues to help you become more balanced.

What makes a good relationship according to your Enneagram type?  It depends on the emotional, mental and physical health of you and your partner. It requires you both to be as healthy as you can be in your Enneagram type.

There is no such thing as perfect Enneagram matches. You can build healthy relationships between any Enneagram types. Being aware of the strengths, and growing edges of both your types will give you tools to help you get along better with each other.

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