Enneagram Type Two: The Helper

Enneagram Type Two: The Helper

The Enneagram and You

You are amazing! You are unique! There is no one exactly like you! You are entirely, you!

You are given in the first few months of life, one of nine ways to survive in the world. Your personality type is critical for your survival. Your ego helps you to see yourself as separate and distinct from the people around you, even your parents.

Your ego gives you a framework to make sense of the world and keep you safe. The trouble begins when we come of age and don’t realize how much your fear of doing something new limits your freedom.

Each personality type is no better or worse than others. They are just different. Your type shows you where you are already stuck. Working with this fantastic tool helps you to escape the limitations of your personality, helping you to become stronger in all nine types.

In this series of articles, I am going to take you on a journey through the nine Enneagram types. Remember, you have all nine types within you. To learn more about how your Enneagram Type Impacts what you observe and see in yourself: Click Here

Enneagram Type Two: The Helper

At Your Best:

You are a loving, compassionate person. You are sensitive, optimistic, helpful, romantic, supportive, energetic and emotionally expressive.

You get great satisfaction from helping friends, family and acquaintances. Your strong intuition helps you to know what others need. Your true nature is love, and you desire to serve.

While you are always there for the people in your life, you also take care of yourself.

You freely offer your time to serve others without any expectations of people returning the favour. You take no offence if people do not accept your offer to help.

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The 3 Most Important Things A Good Relationship Consists Of

The 3 Most Important Things A Good Relationship Consists Of

Are you hungry for love?  Many of us will look for a person to complete us. The reality is that no one but our self can do this.  Why? Because you are one hundred percent responsible for your own happiness.

You are two whole people going into your relationship.  You're there for each other to create a nurturing environment – nudging you both towards health and wholeness.

What do you desire in a relationship? You likely want intimacy, trust, safety, playfulness, encouragement, love and compassion.   But are you both ready to take one hundred percent responsibility to make it happen?

Relationships should not be hard, but you will go through rough times. Are you both prepared to learn through the ups and downs of your relationship?  If you both can say yes to this, you are ready to begin the adventure.

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How Enneagram Types Impact What You Observe in Your Self (And Others)

How Enneagram Types Impact What You Observe in Your Self (And Others)

Do people you love drive you crazy because they don't see your concerns?  Maybe your husband sees a messy house when it is not a big deal for you. Perhaps you are trying to help by washing the dishes, and your mother keeps complaining about how you do it.

You see and experience the world in your way.  Each of us sees different things depending on our personalities and our levels of awareness. It can help you to learn how enneagram types impact what you observe

Your Enneagram type will give you insight into what you are more likely to notice and what you are less likely to see.

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How to Manage the Most Common Challenges of Life Transitions

How to Manage the Most Common Challenges of Life Transitions

Right from birth, you are going to experience transitions in life. It starts at the beginning of life at birth.

Can you imagine the shock you must have felt being birthed into the cold world from the cozy, safe home of your mother?

After birth, you go from one transition to another. They include: Your first steps. The first time you rode a bicycle. The first time your parents left you with a babysitter.

Then there is the first day of school. Puberty, when your body starts to go through many physical changes. First serious relationship. Leaving home. Going to university. Marriage, becoming a parent, being fired, moving to a different community, empty nest, retirement and death are all part of life’s journey.

Your goal is to manage the challenges of life transitions as best you can.

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How to Connect with God Without Religion

How to Connect with God Without Religion

God is available to us all. You don’t need to go through any church, mosque, synagogue or temple to experience God. In this article you will discover seventeen different ways to connect with God. However it is best for you to not do this alone. If you are not comfortable in a worshiping community find a group of friends and family who have the same interest in connecting with the spirit. Enjoy the journey.

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How to Do Your Own Inner Critic Coaching

How to Do Your Own Inner Critic Coaching

You have an inner critic. You will never get rid of it.  Instead of fighting it the best plan is to befriend it.

Your inner critic wants to keep you safe in the limitations of your ego.  As a child, you can thank your ego and inner critic for keeping you alive.

The trouble begins when you move into adulthood blind to how the inner critic is limiting your potential.

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