What is the Hardest Enneagram Type to Love?

What is the Hardest Enneagram Type to Love?

Some might say Enneagram Type Eight, the Challenger, is the hardest to love. At their average levels, the Challenger can be forceful and aggressive. They assert control over themselves and others. They will push even harder whenever they feel someone is trying to hold them back. Eights can be intimidating because they say whatever is on their mind. They don't care what other people think of them.

Eights feel vulnerable. Most people don't realize they are big-hearted people. Unfortunately, as a way to survive, they close their hearts down because they believe it is unsafe to be weak and vulnerable.

Average eights will hide their true feelings and expect people to try and control them. This wound sets up an in-balance of power, making it difficult for the couple to communicate and resolve conflict. The eight is always ready for battle, increasing the potential for severe conflict or the silencing of the non-eight partner.

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How To Stop Self Sabotaging Relationships?

How To Stop Self Sabotaging Relationships?

You hunger for relationships. It is so exciting when you find the right person. Yet you are scared because your relationships never last longer than two months.

When your relationship gets near the end of two months, your inner critic works hard to end your connection to prevent you from being hurt.

Becoming self-aware of your inner critic will help you to stop self-sabotaging relationships.

The good news is that you can have long-lasting relationships. With greater awareness, you will notice when you get caught in the old stories that get you into trouble in your relationships.

Here are 8 ways to stop self-sabotaging relationships:

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Nine paths to healthy relationships based on your Enneagram Type

Nine paths to healthy relationships based on your Enneagram Type

In our world of online dating, it can be hard to find the perfect match. It doesn't take much to disappoint you.

When all the excitement and passion of falling in love have waned, you start to see your partner's peculiarities. They begin to remind you of your in-perfections. It is tempting to run.

With the help of the Enneagram, you can increase your chances of having a healthy relationship. Instead of focussing on finding your perfect partner, it is about you learning to be your best self.

No type is better or worse than another. I am going to share some of the strengths and challenges that come with each Enneagram type. I hope this will help you to notice what is going on inside you without judgement.

Once you can acknowledge your issues and challenges, the Enneagram can help you to find balance again.

In the end, it is all about self-discovery, honesty and taking 100 % responsibility for your self.

It is after taking full responsibility for yourself you are going to attract healthier people.

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6 Signs that it is time to end your relationship

6 Signs that it is time to end your relationship

Most relationships begin well. When you are first in love, everything your beloved does is fantastic, cute and endearing. They can do no wrong.

As you move beyond the honeymoon phase, the blinder comes off, and you see your partner for they are.

Little habits of your partner start to annoy you. Maybe they never pick up their clothes off the floor. They never follow through on what they promise to do.

Is this person someone you are willing to give it your all. Is it worth your effort to see if you can make this relationship work?

Do the concerns seem minor compared to the benefits. Do you still want to see this man or woman every day? Do you feel like the most important person in the world when you are with them?

If you want to give your relationship a fair chance to grow, you need to invest time in the union. Make sure you have time every day to check in with each other. Create a safe space to share whatever is going on in your lives.

If you do run into problems, don't be afraid to ask for help, whether that be a religious leader, friend, family member or professional coach or counsellor.

If, after all this work, you are still having doubts about the relationships, here are six signs that it is time to end your relationship.

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  5 Ways to help express your desires (and Get) What You Want in Your Relationship ...

  5 Ways to help express your desires (and Get) What You Want in Your Relationship ...

Do you expect your partner to read your mind?  Even if they could read your mind, would you want them to read your thoughts?

Thank goodness, your partner can not read your mind.  It is up to you to let them know what you want.

You first will need to discern what you need in your relationship; then find the best way to communicate your desires.

An excellent way to learn what you desire in your relationship is to do some journaling and meditation.  If your partner is open, you could experiment with ideas you both have to see if these are activities you desire to do as a couple in the future.

Most of what a good relationship comes from both your willingness to bring out the best in each other. 

Here are five ways to help express your desires (and get) what you want in your relationship:

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