5 Mind-Blowing Tips to Inner Peace (& Growing Through  Covid-19)

5 Mind-Blowing Tips to Inner Peace (& Growing Through  Covid-19)

Life is never easy. Right now, you and people around the world are facing Covid-19 together. Being stuck at home is amplifying your fears. You feel worries in your body, heart and the chaos of the mind.

You have nothing to distract you from your busy mind. You hunger for calm and inner peace.

You are grieving the loss of everyday things. You can now name what you have taken for granted. You are experiencing a disruption in your inner-world. Living in the time of pandemic is not an easy time. One moment you are sad, the next you are angry, and then happy. All this is exhausting.

Even amid Covid-19, there is a path to inner peace. Covid-19 is an excellent opportunity to find more about your true self. It is time to face your shadow side. Covid-19 is forcing all of us to slow down and face our pain, fears and insecurities.

Here are five mind-blowing tips to inner peace:

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Why  Doubt is Good for You (And How it can Deepen Your Faith)

Why  Doubt is Good for You (And How it can Deepen Your Faith)


Doubt is one of the most excellent tools available to you.  It is what your brain does well when given a chance. It is called critical thinking.

To doubt is to be uncertain of a belief or opinion. It is to suspend judgment to seek more opinions deliberately.

Think how much better the world could be if all of us practiced critical thinking before we made any decision for our family, workplace or religious community.

You already do this without realizing it.  Many of us, when making a big purchase, will learn about the different options. You will read up on any information you can find.

If you are new parents, you will read some of the latest books on parenting.  You will probably go in with some healthy skepticism until you find the author that speaks to you. 

Often if we think an offer feels like it is too good to be true, we will do further research, such as being in touch with the Better Business Bureau.

Can you imagine the world without the gift of doubt? Who would you choose to follow unquestionably? Who would you trust so much that you would do as told without question?

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Five Ways to connect with the spirit of Christmas without going to Church

Five Ways to connect with the spirit of Christmas without going to Church

Christmas is a busy time of year full of activities.  People judge you if you don’t seem happy.

You, among many, find it hard to slow down at this time of year. There is so much to prepare, people to entertain and perfect gifts to buy.

You feel pressure to make everything seem right for you and your family.  You want to make sure that everyone who comes to your home has a perfect time.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, you are among many.  But there is hope.

Christmas is really about the spirit of spreading, love, peace and justice around the world. It is about slowing down enough to listen to the spirit speaking in you.

This holiday season is about showing gratitude for all the people in your life and for the many blessings you enjoy.

Even for churchgoers, it can be tempting to miss church with all the pressures of Christmas.

For the many who have lost connection with Christianity, this time of year can feel empty. The good news is that it does not have to be so.

You are a spiritual being whether or not you go to church, mosque, temple, synagogue or any other place of worship.  You have worth just for being you.  

It is good to slow down to feel your connection to spirit.  Here are five ways to connect with the spirit of Christmas without going to church.

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How to Connect with God Without Religion

How to Connect with God Without Religion

God is available to us all. You don’t need to go through any church, mosque, synagogue or temple to experience God. In this article you will discover seventeen different ways to connect with God. However it is best for you to not do this alone. If you are not comfortable in a worshiping community find a group of friends and family who have the same interest in connecting with the spirit. Enjoy the journey.

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