Five Ways to connect with the spirit of Christmas without going to Church

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Christmas is a busy time of year full of activities.  People judge you if you don’t seem happy.

You, among many, find it hard to slow down at this time of year. There is so much to prepare, people to entertain and perfect gifts to buy.

You feel pressure to make everything seem right for you and your family.  You want to make sure that everyone who comes to your home has a perfect time.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, you are among many.  But there is hope.

Christmas is really about the spirit of spreading, love, peace and justice around the world. It is about slowing down enough to listen to the spirit speaking in you.

This holiday season is about showing gratitude for all the people in your life and for the many blessings you enjoy.

Even for churchgoers, it can be tempting to miss church with all the pressures of Christmas.

For the many who have lost connection with Christianity, this time of year can feel empty. The good news is that it does not have to be so.

You are a spiritual being whether or not you go to church, mosque, temple, synagogue or any other place of worship.  You have worth just for being you.  

It is good to slow down to feel your connection to spirit.  Here are five ways to connect with the spirit of Christmas without going to church.


Wanting to survive Christmas when you put so much pressure on yourself to get it Right: Click Here

1.      Practice Gratitude:

Thankfulness can change your life. Showing gratitude helps you to not take anything for granted.

Think for a moment of all the things you appreciate. It could be a warm home, food, clothes, friends, family, and so much more. You realize how blessed you are.  

When you feel good about yourself, you naturally want to share the blessings you have with others. Sharing kindness should be the focus of Christmas.

Notice how you feel in your body, heart and mind as you practice gratitude.  You feel a warmth in your heart,  you feel more relaxed, and your thoughts calm down.

The more you are grateful, the more difficult it is to be angry with anyone else.  The more difficult it is to put yourself down.

Practising gratitude changes the way you see the world. It is like you put on new glasses. You start to see the world in new ways.

2.      Meditate:

You have wisdom!  You have at least three intelligence centers, your brain, your heart and your body. 

Taking time to meditate opens your three centers of intelligence.  You experience a feeling of inner peace. Life decisions become easier as you feel the spirits leading.

The more meditation becomes part of your daily life, the smoother your life will go.

It does not mean you will no longer suffer. You will still have challenging times. But it will not set you back as much as it did before.

There are many ways to meditate. Find a form of meditation that works for you. There is everything from mindfulness, progressive relaxation, centering prayer, loving kindness and self-compassion, body scans and more.

If you have not done meditation before, start slowly. Maybe try five minutes five days a week.

There are excellent apps available to help you on your journey. My favourite app is Insight Timer, available for Android and iPhone.


Wanting to connect to God in Everyday Life: Click Here

3.      Connection:

You are human, and to be human, you need other people in your life.  Few people can be hermits.

Spend sacred time with the people you care about, giving them your full attention.  This kind of love changes not only your friends and family but yourself too.

In the Christmas spirit, reach out to someone different from you. Remember, we are all part of the world family.

4.      Music:

Music is a path to the heart. It has a way of bringing people together.

 Music has the power to connect you with the spirit of Christmas,  open hearts and see the good in difficult people. Music can reduce tension and turn any day into a better day.

5.      Random Acts of Kindness:

Practice kindness every day, and your heart will be changed.  It is bringing the spirit of Christmas alive.  It is making the sentiments of this season come to life.

Kindness, where none is expected, has a magnifying effect. A small act of kindness can make a huge difference in a person’s life.

When you practice kindness every day, it changes the way you see the world.  Your cynicism loses its grip on you.

You don’t have time for negative talk.

You learn about world events without losing hope.  Instead of wanting to give up when you hear of war and violence, you feel even more compelled to spread the spirit of love wherever you go.

On the days you are feeling down, practicing kindness every day helps you to bounce back quicker.  Remember, it takes much less effort and energy to love than to hate.


Wanting to connect to God without going to Church: Click Here

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Christmas is a busy time of year. It is easy to get caught up in the business of Christmas and feel like something is missing.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, or the Solstice, this is a time of year to go within and feel the presence of the Spirit.

The Christmas spirit is all about love, community, connection, social justice, generosity and kindness.  When you tend to your spiritual needs, you experience a deep calm in yourself.

Find whatever works for you to go within. An excellent place to start is to practice radical gratitude, daily meditation, connect with others, listen to great music and practice random acts of kindness.

As you enter this peace, you will be drawn to living life more simply.  You are drawn to the spirit of Christmas that focusses on finding peace within you so you can reflect your peace wherever you go.

I am Roland Legge, an Identity Coach here to help you to connect with your inner self.  You can join my private newsletter list for Free Advice (Click Here) and get Your Free Enneagram Test (Click Here).