5 Ways to Outsmart Your Inner Critic

5 Ways to Outsmart Your Inner Critic

You have an inner critic, and it is never going to go away.

You would not have survived your childhood without your inner critic. It was there to keep you safe.

Your inner critic is that negative voice within you that lets you know when you are moving into dangerous territory. The trouble is that your inner critic gets alarmed every time you try something new.

While this part of your ego kept you safe when you were young, it starts to hold you back when you become an adult.

The more you can become aware of when your inner critic is talking, the better able to you will be able to tame this part of your ego.

Five Ways to Outsmart Your Inner Critic:

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4 Signs you are ready to move on after your divorce

4 Signs you are ready to move on after your divorce

No divorce is easy!  Even in the best circumstances, when you can both agree to the terms of the divorce it is still stressful.

Right after your divorce, you will need all the support you can receive.  Friends and family might be enough. But if you are having a hard time moving ahead you would benefit from psychological help.  There is no shame in getting help because this demonstrates your courage. 

No matter how you feel, take your time to work through the pain of ending your relationship.  It is time to focus on your own needs. 

Here are four signs you are ready to move on after your divorce:

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