Nine signs that you need professional help going through a major transition

Nine signs that you need professional help going through a major transition


A hundred years ago, change happened at a slower pace.  Our minds, bodies and hearts had time to adjust to the changing seasons of life.

Today the world is changing at such a fast pace.  You may be finding it hard to navigate change.

If you are having a hard time adjusting to the continual change in your life, you may benefit from professional help.

Here are nine signs that professional help would be beneficial for you.

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How to Cope with Life Transitions Even When They're Unexpected

How to Cope with Life Transitions Even When They're Unexpected

Change is the one constant in life. The more you can go with the flow the more natural change will be.  The more you try to stop change the more stressful it becomes.

Life is full of constant change. There are the changes we expect, such as moving from one level of education to another, our first date, marriage, first child, and retirement. Even these are not easy.

Whether or not the change is expected, the challenge is how to cope with life transitions

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How to Manage the Most Common Challenges of Life Transitions

How to Manage the Most Common Challenges of Life Transitions

Right from birth, you are going to experience transitions in life. It starts at the beginning of life at birth.

Can you imagine the shock you must have felt being birthed into the cold world from the cozy, safe home of your mother?

After birth, you go from one transition to another. They include: Your first steps. The first time you rode a bicycle. The first time your parents left you with a babysitter.

Then there is the first day of school. Puberty, when your body starts to go through many physical changes. First serious relationship. Leaving home. Going to university. Marriage, becoming a parent, being fired, moving to a different community, empty nest, retirement and death are all part of life’s journey.

Your goal is to manage the challenges of life transitions as best you can.

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Twenty-One Tips for Adjusting to Life Transitions - Even Those Transitions You Don't Like

Twenty-One Tips for Adjusting to Life Transitions - Even Those Transitions You Don't Like

Life is full of transitions. The first big transition is birth.  Can you imagine suddenly being pushed into the world from the comfort of your mother’s womb?  I can only imagine how traumatic this is.

All transitions whether they are welcomed or not, take energy.

You are going to walk through transitions more easily if you can stay open to the wisdom from your three body centers (body-sensations, heart-emotions and heads-thoughts).

You are going to stay more relaxed if you can stay present. When you are present, you are fully open to the inner and outer wisdom that is available to you now.

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Nineteen Surprising Ways Life Transitions For Older Adults Are Harder & Easier

Nineteen Surprising Ways Life Transitions For Older Adults Are Harder & Easier

Growing Older has its challenges and benefits. Check out these nineteen ways that make life transitions for older adults both easier and sometimes hard to face. May these suggestions help you to live your later years with greater ease.

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Nine Incredible Valid Reasons Life Transitions are Hard

Nine Incredible Valid Reasons Life Transitions are Hard

Life transitions are hard. Right from the day we are born, we constantly go through change. It is how we face the challenges that make us into the beautiful people we are today. 

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