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9 Daily Habits Of Couples Who've Built The Strongest, Longest-Lasting Bonds

An excellent place to start is to reflect on how much you trust yourself.

Think about it for a moment. On a trust scale of one to ten, where are you? One is no trust, and 10 is complete trust.

First, you must trust yourself to build and maintain healthy trust in your close relationships.

Learning the Enneagram can help you increase trust in your relationship.

What is the Enneagram? It is a psychological-spiritual tool to help you understand what makes you tick and why you get along with certain people more than others.

Your primary Enneagram type shows you where you get stuck when you are under stress and a way out of it towards wholeness and healing. 

Using the Enneagram, let us reflect on nine ways to build shared trust in your relationship. 

Regardless of your Enneagram type, there is plenty to be learned about strengthening your bond from each type. 

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