How to Let Go of Anxiety (Allowing God to Shine Through You)

 How to Let Go of Anxiety (Allowing God to Shine Through You)

On a scale of one to ten, how much anxiety do you have, with one being no anxiety and ten being overwhelmed and incapacitated?

Many of us face anxiety that comes from trying to control things we have no control over. Do you worry about all the possible things that can go wrong and feel helpless to stop them?

Social media, television, and radio constantly remind us of the world's misfortunes, leaving us to wonder if we could be next.

Healing from anxiety takes time and spiritual work. The more you can connect with the holy within you, the more God can shine through you. Are you ready to let go of anxiety?

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9 Ways to Create an Amazing Life After Divorce

9 Ways to Create an Amazing Life After Divorce


You entered your marriage thinking it would last the rest of your life. You had dreams of what it would be like to grow older together. All these dreams have now come to an end. After the divorce, what kind of life do you want?

Grief Work

When you accept that your marriage is over, you can begin the grieving process. Grieving takes time; sometimes, you will need help from a professional if you feel stuck in your emotions.

After you have done the work to ready yourself for your new life, you can begin the next chapter of your life.

Learning through the Enneagram

A great tool to help you renew your life is the psychological-spiritual tool called the Enneagram. The Enneagram comprises nine personality types, and you have all nine types within you. Each of us has one type we go to when we are stressed, and this is our personality type. Your type reveals to you the lens through which you see the world.

If you want to create an amazing life after the divorce, you will benefit from accessing the gifts from the nine types.

Here is how each of the nine types can help us to find new life after divorce:

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When To Quit Your Job So You Don't Lose Your Sanity (And Your Self Respect)

When To Quit Your Job So You Don't Lose Your Sanity (And Your Self Respect)

You need a job! We all need jobs to survive. Sometimes we must work in jobs that are not our first choice. You may find satisfaction through volunteer work or hobbies.

If you are in a position where you face abuse, feel unappreciated, feel taken advantage of or are poorly paid, it may be time for you to leave.

Do not forget that you have great worth! You deserve to be treated well. Do not allow anyone or an organization to destroy your life.

Only you can know when to quit your job. Your body, your heart and your head will let you know when the time has come. Your only responsibility is to listen and act on what you know to be true.

The good news is that you have great wisdom within you. Your challenge is to learn to access your inner wisdom through connecting with your three centers of intelligence. Your three centers of intelligence are:

· Body (Sensations)

· Heart (Emotions)

· Head (Mind)

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How Your Fear Of Change Is Keeping You From The Life, You're Meant To Live

How Your Fear Of Change Is Keeping You From The Life, You're Meant To Live

Change is a constant. It will never stop. If you want to follow your dreams, you will need to overcome your fear of change.

Often it is the voice of the inner critic that gets you in trouble. The inner critic is that part of your ego that wants to keep you safe by keeping to what it knows.

Your inner critic was necessary for your survival when you were an infant and child. However, it becomes a problem when you reach adulthood if you are not aware of how this negative voice impacts you.

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Three Ways to Quiet the Inner Critic & Find Your True Self

Three Ways to Quiet the Inner Critic & Find Your True Self

You have an inner critic, and it is never going to go away. The good news is that it does not need to control your life.

You can thank your inner critic for keeping you safe, especially when you were growing up. You can thank your inner critic for its good intentions. However, it is time to let this part of you know that you are capable of taking care of yourself. It is time to quiet this voice and use your energy to build up rather than tear down.

Here are three ways to quiet the inner critic and find your true self:

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Nine paths to healthy relationships based on your Enneagram Type

Nine paths to healthy relationships based on your Enneagram Type

In our world of online dating, it can be hard to find the perfect match. It doesn't take much to disappoint you.

When all the excitement and passion of falling in love have waned, you start to see your partner's peculiarities. They begin to remind you of your in-perfections. It is tempting to run.

With the help of the Enneagram, you can increase your chances of having a healthy relationship. Instead of focussing on finding your perfect partner, it is about you learning to be your best self.

No type is better or worse than another. I am going to share some of the strengths and challenges that come with each Enneagram type. I hope this will help you to notice what is going on inside you without judgement.

Once you can acknowledge your issues and challenges, the Enneagram can help you to find balance again.

In the end, it is all about self-discovery, honesty and taking 100 % responsibility for your self.

It is after taking full responsibility for yourself you are going to attract healthier people.

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