How To Start A Daily Habit Of Talking To God

How To Start A Daily Habit Of Talking To God

Talking to God can help you to be your best. But before we go any further in this conversation, I invite you to reflect on who God is for you.

God is energy and spirit that connects us to everything animate and inanimate on earth. God not only connects us to the world and also to the universe.

God is expressed through love, justice-making, and through each of us, even you!

If you explored all the world's great religions, you would find many beliefs and values in common. However, each religion has its own unique story of how God continues to animate the world.

No religion or belief system knows everything about God because God will always remain mysterious and surprising. Talking to God should open you up and not close you down.

Every time you try to control God, you are imposing your belief system on others. Before you know it, you will be claiming that you have a unique line to God and that you can never be wrong.

Self-righteousness is dangerous. Hitler and Mussolini are examples of what happens to people who think they have a special relationship with God and believe they know the ultimate truth.

Once you have a sense of who and what God is, you can begin to build a practice of talking to God every day.

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Enneagram Type Nine: Finding the courage to be Yourself

Enneagram Type Nine: Finding the courage to be Yourself

The Enneagram and You

You are amazing, unique, and there is no one exactly like you!

In the first few months of life, you are given one of nine ways to survive in the world. Your personality type is critical for your survival. Your ego helps you see yourself as separate and distinct from the people around you, even your parents.

Your ego gives you a framework to make sense of the world and keep you safe. The trouble begins when you come of age and don't realize how much your fear of trying something new limits your freedom.

Each personality type is no better or worse than others. They are merely different. Your type shows you where you are already stuck. Working with this fantastic tool helps you break free of your personality's limitations, allowing you to become stronger in all nine types.

In this series of articles, I will take you on a journey through the nine Enneagram types. Remember, you have all nine types within you.

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Three Ways to Overcome Conflict and Save Your Marriage

Three Ways to Overcome Conflict and Save Your Marriage

You are going to face conflict. Conflict happens whenever there are two or more people in a room. Conflict occurs when people have different opinions. Conflict is neither good nor bad.

If you are honest, you will acknowledge that you and your partner don't agree on everything. You see the world differently because of the influence of personality.

A healthy marriage requires both of you to know your selves. A great tool to help you do this is the Enneagram. In the Enneagram, there are nine different types, with each type having its strengths and weaknesses.

Learning your Enneagram type gives you a psychological-spiritual map to help you become conscious of the automatic behaviours you do unconsciously. Often these are behaviours that no longer serve you.

Once you become conscious of how you show up in the world, you can make different choices that will serve you better. As you learn to walk your talk, you will be better able to resolve conflict with your partner. You will also be more open to hearing what your partner has to say.

If you both do your work, it will be much easier to find win-win solutions to resolve your disagreements.

With the Enneagram as your starting point, here are three ways to overcome conflict and save your marriage.

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Awesome Stress-busting tips for all nine Enneagram Types

Awesome Stress-busting tips for all nine Enneagram Types

The Enneagram is a psychological, spiritual map for personal growth. The Enneagram helps you to make a conscious change in your life. As you become self-aware of your behaviour and mindset, you can make better choices.

The Enneagram will point out where you are most likely to get stuck and give you choices that are more in harmony with your needs. It will help you recognize unconscious behaviour allowing you to respond in new and healthier ways.

The Enneagram tackles stress. One popular teaching from Russ Hudson and Don Riso talks about how stress affects our behaviour. Each Enneagram type disintegrates under pressure and shows up in the most dysfunctional behaviour of another type. This dynamic will help you understand why you behave differently under stress.

Stress can affect us at any time, whether you are in heavy traffic, starting a new job or waiting for the results of a test from your doctor. When you get stuck in stress, it pushes your natural personality to its limit and takes on some of the unhealthy behaviours of another type. At times like this, you do not feel like yourself.

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