Ten Steps to Beating Burnout: A Guide to a Better Life

Ten Steps to Beating Burnout: A Guide to a Better Life

We live in a chaotic world. It is hard to separate our work and business life because of smartphones, computers and social media. Beating burnout is a lifelong process.

People expect to hear back immediately when they text or email you. Organizations pressure their employees to produce and expect them to work overtime at home.

Churches put more pressure on their leaders to keep their doors open. As congregations decline, more expectations are put on their ministers.

How pressured do you feel to work on your days off and your holidays?  Do you fear losing your job if you don’t put in the extra hours?

More people realize that it is not a badge of honour to overwork.

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Feeling Stuck? Five Tips for Managing Life Transitions

Feeling Stuck? Five Tips for Managing Life Transitions

The one thing that never stops is change. Ether, we adapt to the changing world or be doomed to a life of disappointment, anger and frustration.

Are you one of the many overwhelmed by all our responsibilities and the constant change in the world? You are not alone. Remember that life is in the transitions.

Are you feeling stuck in a job you don't enjoy because you are afraid of failing in something new? Are you in a relationship that sucks your life out because you fear being alone?

It is easy to get stuck in this lethargy. You are tired and do not feel like you have the energy or money to try something new. The good news is that there is a way out of this.

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How to Cope with Life Transitions Even When They're Unexpected

How to Cope with Life Transitions Even When They're Unexpected

Change is the one constant in life. The more you can go with the flow the more natural change will be.  The more you try to stop change the more stressful it becomes.

Life is full of constant change. There are the changes we expect, such as moving from one level of education to another, our first date, marriage, first child, and retirement. Even these are not easy.

Whether or not the change is expected, the challenge is how to cope with life transitions

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Twenty-One Tips for Adjusting to Life Transitions - Even Those Transitions You Don't Like

Twenty-One Tips for Adjusting to Life Transitions - Even Those Transitions You Don't Like

Life is full of transitions. The first big transition is birth.  Can you imagine suddenly being pushed into the world from the comfort of your mother’s womb?  I can only imagine how traumatic this is.

All transitions whether they are welcomed or not, take energy.

You are going to walk through transitions more easily if you can stay open to the wisdom from your three body centers (body-sensations, heart-emotions and heads-thoughts).

You are going to stay more relaxed if you can stay present. When you are present, you are fully open to the inner and outer wisdom that is available to you now.

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