How Enneagram Types Impact What You Observe in Your Self (And Others)

How Enneagram Types Impact What You Observe in Your Self (And Others)

Do people you love drive you crazy because they don't see your concerns?  Maybe your husband sees a messy house when it is not a big deal for you. Perhaps you are trying to help by washing the dishes, and your mother keeps complaining about how you do it.

You see and experience the world in your way.  Each of us sees different things depending on our personalities and our levels of awareness. It can help you to learn how enneagram types impact what you observe

Your Enneagram type will give you insight into what you are more likely to notice and what you are less likely to see.

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Which Enneagram Types Get Along Easiest (And Which Just Don't)

Which Enneagram Types Get Along Easiest (And Which Just Don't)

No matter what Enneagram type you are, you have the potential to get along with any other type. It all depends on how healthy you and your new friend or partner is. In this article you will be given clues, based on the nine types, to help you discern who are the people you desire to have in your life. Even more importantly it will help you to know when you are ready for a new friendship or relationship.

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