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How the Enneagram Works to Help You Find Your Passion and Purpose in Life

In the first few months of life, you receive one of nine different personalities to survive in the world.  You need this to help you move from infancy to your teen years. You would not survive without your ego. 

If by your adult years you have not recognized the bias of your personality, you will limit your potential in life.

 The Enneagram works to help you find your passion and purpose in life by helping you to become aware of old unhelpful habits that no longer serve you. Patterns that you live out unconsciously.

Thankfully, you have, right within you, wisdom to discover your passion and purpose in life.  The Enneagram can help you to unlock that wisdom that is already there.

Is anyone type more likely to be successful for particular careers?  The answer is yes and no.  It is yes because each type brings specific skills.  These are the gifts that come quickly to you.  However, if you get to a place where you can be healthy in most of the nine types, there is no limit to what you can do.

Your goal needs to be to become as self-observant as you can.  Watch out for those old patterns that your experience in times of stress. Your personality is not your true self.

Learn through the Enneagram what you can be at your best. 

Pay attention to your instinctive center(belly), the emotional center (heart) and thinking center (head).  When you can stay present to whom you are, you will know what you need to be about.

I invite you to join me on a journey to discovering more about your purpose and passions through the Enneagram.  We will go through all nine types.

Type 1:  The Reformer

You know there is a better way to live life.  You have a passion for making the world a better place. You often are intuitive and have a strong connection to the unknowable that connects us all.

Learn to notice your inner critic.  The inner critic is that loud negative voice that tries to prevent you from doing things that you have never done before.  This negative voice can prevent you from having new experiences out of your ego’s need to keep you safe. You are now an adult and are most capable of taking care of yourself.

Watch out for the times when you become fearful of not doing your job correctly.  It is okay not to do everything exactly right.  If you are too focused on perfection, you may miss opportunities to have new experiences. New experiences can lead to finding your purpose or passions in life.

When you are well, you will be able to hear the inner voice of your soul. The sound of your true self is gentle and quiet.  You will learn to notice the difference between this voice and the voice of the inner critic.  It will let you know when you have found your purpose and passion. You will know it when you see it.

Type 2: The Helper

You have a purpose to bond with others and help them.  You love to make a difference in the lives of the people you meet.  You know intuitively what other people sometimes need better than they know themselves. 

Watch out for the times you put other people’s needs before your own. There will be times when you need to do this, but this can not become a regular habit otherwise you will burn yourself out. Remember your relationship with yourself is just as important as the relationship you have with your family, friends, colleagues and even strangers.

At your best, you are a gift to the world offering generous hospitality wherever you go.  The gift is that you provide it without any expectations.  It feels good to help when you can.

Type 3: The Achiever  

You have a passion for being successful at whatever you do.  Your purpose is to encourage colleagues, friends and families on their life journey.  You are an excellent mentor. You enjoy making a difference in the world.

It is easy for you to forget who you are.  You get so caught up in being whatever you need to be to be successful; you ignore the real you.  If you are going to find your passion and purpose you need to be who you are. You need to risk being vulnerable.

At your best, you are a caring mover and shaker in the world. You bring energy and compassion to whatever you do.  You have a natural desire and passion to mentor those you care about helping to bring out the best in themselves.

Type 4: The Individualist

You have a passion for creating beautiful things whether that be through home decor, clothing, painting, ceramics, computer design, architecture and more.  You love to relate to friends, family and colleagues at a deep level.  Your feelings and emotions are essential to you, and you desire to share them with others.

You need to be careful that you don’t get so comfortable with an emotion that you get stuck in it.  You will never be able to find your passion or purpose if you can not be present in the moment.

At your best, you help us all to celebrate the unique individuals we are.  You help us to recognize beauty as important.  You have a gift of turning the ordinary into something unique and beautiful. Your uniqueness helps us to celebrate our individuality.

Type 5: The Investigator

 You have a passion for learning about something that moves you in detail.  You get great pleasure in sharing your excitement with others.  You are a great observer.  You see things that many of us miss because we are not paying attention.

Too often fives allow their fear of looking stupid get in the way of them sharing what they are learning.  We need you fives to share your valuable wisdom with us even when it does not feel complete to you.  As a five can spend too much time in your imaginary world where passions and dreams are never found.

At your best, you pass on your passion for learning.  You are persevering, analytical, wise, objective, perceptive and sensitive.  You share your gift of observation being able to see in groups where there is tension, conflict, calm and understanding.  You can help groups move into greater health.

Type 6: The Loyalist

You have a passion for making the world safer.  You have compassion for all you meet. You have a desire for everyone to get along with each other.  You love to share your sense of humour.  Your purpose is to make sure what needs to be done, gets done.

Fear and anxiety too often get in the way of this personality type. Anxiety is the fear of something that may happen, and it usually doesn’t happen.  When you, are in a place of tension you are not living fully in your body, emotions and mind.  There is no way you can see what your passion and purpose are when you feel disconnected with whom you are.

At your best you are courageous.  There is nothing that can stop you from doing what needs to be done to make the world a better place.  Whatever you decide to work on will get done and done well. 

Type 7: The Enthusiast

You have a zest for life. You are curious, open, playful and adventurous.  There is so much to experience in the world, and you want to experience as much of it as possible.  You are open to whatever comes your way.

If you fear to get in touch with any negative, uncomfortable feelings you are going to miss much in life.  You are going to run from adventure to adventure trying to hide from your pain.  The trouble is these feelings will only get worse until you face them.

At your best, you are a person who lives your life to the fullest. You want to experience as much as possible because it makes your life more abundant. You bring a sense of curiosity to all you meet. You are a lot of fun to be with.  You are never afraid of trying something new.

Type 8: The Challenger

You have an energy that few can keep up with.  You know what you need to do. This gift of insight comes naturally to you.  Part of your purpose in life is to stand in solidarity with those who are short-changed.  You have great compassion for all you know to be in need, and the ignored.

You need to be careful about how others experience you.  You never intend to act aggressively but too often people feel intimidated by your behaviour.  Don’t afraid to show your vulnerable side.  Find safe places and people to help you be vulnerable.

At your best, you are a mover and shaker in the world. You intuitively know what needs to be done.  You don’t like to mess about when there is something important to do. You love it when people join you and trust you know what you are doing.  You have a big heart that desires to help anyone struggling through life. 

Type 9:  The Peacemaker

Your passion is to bring peace to the world. Your purpose is to help people understand each other. You are amazing at knowing what it feels like to be in other people’s shoes. While you may be quiet, you are always observing what is going on.  Your mission is to bring peace wherever you are.

Knowing and understanding the different perspectives of people can be onerous at times.  It can be hard to make a decision when you know how it is going to impact other people.  It especially hard when you don’t like upsetting anyone else.  You risk getting to the point where you don’t express what you need because you are fearful of upsetting others.  

At your best, you are an excellent mediator and hard worker for peace in your family or the world.  You are great at helping people to understand the different points of view. You are fantastic at helping people to find ways to resolve conflict if the parties are open. You can read a room well.  You are great at bringing people together for the good of the world.


The Enneagram is a great tool to help you find your passion and purpose in life.  It helps you to liberate yourself from all the walls you have put up to keep you safe.  When your walls come down, you become open to your true self.  When you are grounded in your power through your three energy centers, you will know what you need to do.  Your passions and purpose will become self-evident whenever you need to change the focus in your life.

You have all nine Enneagram types in you. So your type may give you clues to what your passions and purpose are, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you should limit yourself to these particular interests. 

When you are healthy, the universe is open to you.  You may be surprised by what your passions and purpose turns out to be.

The Enneagram helps you to be honest with yourself.  You will go into any pursuit with an open heart, mind and body.  You will be able to tell in yourself if this is an excellent choice to make.  You will also know when it is time to make a change. Just because you are passionate about something now doesn’t mean it will never change.

The Enneagram helps you to be at your best. It helps you to be compassionate with yourself when you miss the mark.  It encourages you to try again learning from what didn’t go as well before.  It gives you clues to know what you need to do to get healthier.  The more you feel better about yourself, the kinder you will be to others.


Roland Legge can help you to get to uncover your purpose and passion in life.  For more information, please arrange for a free 30-minute discovery call by emailing Roland at  or book your appointment online:  Click Here