You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too


Fed up with Your Job

Are you ready for a job change, but you are too fearful to try? Many of us are stuck in jobs we don’t enjoy. The good news is that we don’t need to stay in them. 


Our minds are good at coming up with all sorts of excuses.  For example, the money is good in my current job. My family is relying on me. I don’t know what I would do if I wasn’t doing my current job. I don’t want to go back to school. I am too old to start something new. I am afraid to fail. I should be thankful for what I have. Can you relate to any of these excuses?

The Beginning of a New Adventure

What would it take to get you exploring a new job or career?  For me it was growing frustration with my current job and excitement about something new I was learning. It also helped to have friends and family who were encouraging me.

Career Planning Needs Imagination

In high school did you go through a computer program in Guidance Class to discover what you would be good at doing? When I did this none of their suggestions really appealed to me. The trouble was that the careers I was interested in were not on the list. To many of the things I wanted to do included skills and abilities I did not think I had. I now know this is a time to dream big!

Loving your Work

What do you love to do? Do you like interacting with people? Would you rather be working by yourself? Do you love to work with numbers? Are you good at organising? Do you like talking on the phone? Would you describe yourself as creative? Would you rather work for yourself? These are but a few of the questions you might want to think about.

What is Enough?

How much money do you need to do what you love? Here are a couple of questions to get you thinking. How important is it for you to travel? Are you a person that likes to stay close to home? If you live in a city do you need a car? Instead of buying books you could get them from the library. Do you really need all the latest gadgets to enjoy life?


What quality of life do you Want?

I have met few people who would say they have enough money. I think most of us think we could always use more. But how much money is enough for you.  Maybe you would rather have more time off from work to enjoy time with loved ones.

What on earth should I Do?

You don’t know what you want to do? Go and take a course for credit or not, on a topic that interests you. Volunteer for an organization that excites you.  Over time you will discover more interests and skills. You may be surprised to find a way to do something you love and make a living from it.

What is your Passion?

I got drawn to learn about the personality system called the Enneagram. Gradually this led me to a Life Coaching program that uses the Enneagram as one of its main tools to help people to discover the wisdom that is within them. At the beginning, I didn’t do this because I thought it would lead me to a new career.

Do it because you Love It

I did it because I loved what I was learning. I was so excited about what I was learning that I wanted to share it with others. Now I have left a job that no longer inspires me into something new that has reignited my passion for life.  

Start Small

Start small. Find a book on a topic that inspires you.  Maybe this will lead you to taking a course. Find an organization or group who will support you in your learning. As you explore new possibilities you will build self confidence opening yourself up to new possibilities. You will know when you are ready to make the big leap.

Live knowing that you have something important to Offer the World

Life is too shore to spend a lot of time doing things you don’t enjoy or suck the life out of you. Take the risk to begin a new adventure in your life. It is never too late to begin. You will be rewarded in ways that you never expected.


Roland Legge offers coaching through REL Consultants for individuals, couples, families and executives to help them to be the best they can be. For more information please arrange for a free 30-minute discovery call by phoning Roland at 1 306 620-7478 or you can email Roland at .